Wednesday, April 22, 2009

About Me

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys, and Girls, Kids of all ages, Welcome to the exploration of my experience as a wave in this ocean of awesomeness we call life. Who am I? What and incredible question! Rather than answering it, I'll leave it with you. I have been told that that question has more value than everything else in this universe. However, I can share with you a few details about little ole me :).
Born to the best parents on earth. Raymon, the most charismatic and gernerous person I have ever met, and Donna, an embodiment of love, and unmatched creativity. I was born with long black hair (down to my shoulders) Ozzy Osborne would have been proud! That evening it all fell out and I grew in the lusious blonde locks I have now. Which was a relief to my father as both my parents are blonde! Ha! I have been incredibly fortunate to have lived across Canada; from British Colombia to New Brunswich, and one year in magnificent Australia. I'll have to tell you about that some time. Wow!

One weekend in junior high some family and friends decided to audition for a TV show. I heard they were going for Harvey's Fries after words so without question I was in. You'll see this is theme in my life. Sweet delicious cuisine. MMMMMMM! I ended up landing a spot on "Hey Kid", a kids news, and variety programe . We produced programing for 3 Years. It was a blast.

I have always been facinated by how things work? The natural environment and our connection to it facinates me. Which is probably why I ended up with a degree in Chemistry and Biology, from Mount Alison University. Since then I have had the good fortune to publish my work, and research in facinating areas such as Nutritional Biochemistry, particularly the development of a natural agent to reduce cholesterol at McGill University, in Montreal.

Speaking of Montreal. I have had the tremendous good forture to have made the best of friends who are truly family. I have grown with them in love and knowledge, fights, and celebration, and through it all have found a life that vibrates with enthusiasm; joy, lots of laughs, slience, knowledge and service. All this was made posible by most inspiring being I have ever met His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. After, and during the Art of Living Course, and being personally trained by him as a volunteer and teacher, my life has blossomed in ways that I never fealt posssible. If you would really like to know me, or more so yourself, take YES!+ (Click the title About Me) Remarkable!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Colours of India

If the journey of life is from head to heart, then satsang is the high way to enlightenment. Last week saw the debut of an incredible event in Grenoble, Colours of India. This incredible experience or chanting, dance, and the breath was organized by a fireball of shakti and enthusiasm, Ajra. In just two weeks she was able to create original dance performances, reherse, sell over 100 tickets, publisize, book the hall, arrange for catering, and organize our participation. Did I mention she is doing her Ph.D. at the moment? Ha! As you can see this is no ordinary person, she's a YES!+ ( graduate! One of the most remarkable people I know, Serge Michenaud, a mind blowing YES! Teacher from Paris recruited a select section of the renouned Lyon Satsang for what was to be a glorious evening.

The event showcased modern bollywood Indian dance, glorious satsang, delicious pakoras, byrani, sweets, profound knowledge, and powerful breathing techniques curtousy of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Not in person unfortunately, however his Shakti was definitly felt with an auditorium of over 100 people blasting out toxins with 3 rounds of the "Moka Capaccino" of breathing techniques. All the benefits and none of the calories (or energy crash)! The Lions of Lyon took to the stage and blasted the crowd with bhajan after dazling bhajan. The shakti rose to such a point that those who came to spectate found themselves begining to jirate, and those that came to watch us groove were finding their lips were inspired to move.

Our set was laid out, planned, and practiced, half an hour before the event. This left just enough time to grab my iphone snaps, get blow away by another glimpse of the Alpes, and run into a YES!+ graduate from Montreal, curteousy of whom the recordings from the evening were provided. You'll have to wait unil next time to savour the colours of India with your eyes, but lets see how far I can take you with sound (Click the the title of this post; Colours of India)!

Om Nama Shivya!

Monday, April 13, 2009

On pedale!

Let me tell you something. When the Lyonaise do something, they do it right. Mathieu et Sophie asked me if I wanted a tour of Lyon, so I was expecting a nice walking tour, a few cafes, maybe a place to find myself a buret. What I recieved was far beyond! The Velomnibus. In the spirit of ecology and fun, the Velomnibus is a tour bus powered by the pumpin legs of its passengers. Each person is seated on a bycicle facing all the other guests on a round dining table. You are treated to delisious Soline fare as you petal your eco-resto-bus around gorgeous Lyon. Sing a few songs, wave at everyone that is staring at you, as you sip on chai and take in all the sites. My first experience of Lyon by Night! The only place where they may boast a true 0 calorie meal! Ha!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bienvenue a Lyon

Lyon! I couldn't have asked for a better welcome, complete with Art of Living Lyon Banner, and the brightest smiles in Le Gare Centrale.

During my first week in Lyon I stayed with Mathieu and Sophie, two incredible Art of Living teachers that own and operate an absolutely delectible vegetarian restaurant in Lyon. Feast your eyes on Soline!

The restaurant offers vegetarian cuisine from around the world. Each day there is a new dish created to rhyme with the theme of the week.

You can devour everything from the American Hamburger or decide to take your tast buds on a tour of Thialand and enjoy the delisious spring rolls! These delicacies are fresh (everything is made that day), and healthy (balanced in nutrients and 100 organic). An incredible experience for any one that happens to hop into Lyon, for a vacation or to change the world!
Ladies and Gentlement! Boys and Girls! Children of all ages...

We are about to comence a journey into knowledge, service, great dinning, and tones of fun.

Buckel up. It is goin to be a wild ride!

Welcome to Tell me more.