Saturday, September 24, 2011

Last night I had a very interesting experience. After speaking with a friend on the phone about how grateful I was to be on this path I suddenly fealt so elated. My body was vibrant electricity, and every breath was like sipping from a fountain of pleasurable bliss and ecstasy. I felt so much love for everyone and my consciousness of myself and the world around me was acutely hightend. I still feel it this morning. ;)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Inspiring Pakistan
Something I've added to my daily practice - I ask myself: If this were my last day on earth would I be happy with the way I spent my time? Among the beautiful mountains of Grenoble, my ateliers decouverte and a course starting this evening. I can't help but say YES! How about you?

Friday, September 9, 2011

She moves in mysterious ways...

Hier soir dans le Stage YES!+ à Paris on a discuter la gratitude.

On à examiner un principe de Sri Sri: Le plus que vous plaignez le plus la vie va reprendre. Le plus que vous avez de gratitude pour ce que vous avez, la vie va te donner tous sans fin.

On a tous vu tous les blessings dans notre vie. Quand le mentale est plein avec la gratitude, claire, et calme les désires ne manifeste pas. On est complètement immergé et heureux avec le moment présent.

Comment un désire peut arriver si vous avez tous déjà?

Un person qui vient de finir son repas n'a pas un désire de manger. Ce n'est pas qu'on lutte contre un désire c'est que le désire n'existe pas et si un désire arrive il est pris en soin avant que le désire arrive.

Example: Lundi soir j'ai accepter un invitation de dîner à Montmarte. A la fin du soirée on à dis au revoir et j'ai décidé de profiter pour promener sur les fameuses rue de Montmarte. Trop content avec l'opportunité de vivre l'architecture, les characteres, et l'ambiance, la gratitude à été en plein effervescence. Mentale calme, et sereine pendant ma marche d'un heure. Tout a coup, un désire a venu pour un café, mais pas de la monnaie et pas intéressé de retiré. A ce moment la, j'ai regarder sur le trotoire et qu'est ce que j'ai vu? Un pièce de deux euros. Person autour pour le recouperer, et un café traditionnelle de Monmarte à ma droite. ;) Juste assez pour ma café et un pourboire pour mon serveur. Gratitude dans le coeur et le café qui buzzzzzz dans les veines j'ai pris mon vélo pour la maison.

Friday, April 15, 2011

2 things you were told not to bring up at the dinner table...

Religion and Politics - a commentary by H.H. Ravi Shankar

The role of religion is to make one righteous and loving And politics means caring for people and their welfare. When religion and politics don't coexist then you have corrupt politicians and pseudo-religious leaders.

A religious man who is righteous and loving will definitely care for the welfare of the whole population and hence becomes a true politician. And a true politician can only be righteous and loving. He cannot be anything but religious. All the Avatars and prophets have been caring for people and so were in politics. You can find many examples to this effect.

When religions restrict the freedom to worship and restrict modes of worship they become unsuitable for creating a harmonious society. When religion becomes all encompassing and gives full freedom to pray and worship in any manner -- that religion will bring righteousness and peace in people and will be suitable for any society.

People think politics and religion have to be kept separate because many religions did not give freedom to worship and did not care for all people equally. History has shown that religion has created conflict. But irreligious societies (e.g. communism) have created chaos and corruption.

Today both religion and politics need reform. Religion has to become broader and more spiritual to allow freedom of worship and broader to encompass all the wisdom in the world. And politicians have to become more righteous and spiritual.

- Sri Sri

|| Jai Guru Dev ||