Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh Canada!

What an incredible tour through Europe! I return to Canada in a few days, so I met with some of my french students before I left. We did Sadhana, had Satsang, spoke knowledge, laughed and joked together. We stumbled on something very interesting, that if you like, I could share with you. Excuses. We all make excuses. They make life easier, right? Many times we make an excuse so we won't hurt anothers feelings or someone else won't get angry.

Is this really the case?

What are excuses? Excuses are beatifuly crafted stories that absolve us of responsability. It pinches to take responsability doesn't it? We become suseptible to the critisism of others and that is never comfortable or enjoyable. So we continue, but what are we missing out on. Mayby you can answer me a question? When have you learned the most in your life? Has it been those moment that you were completely comfortable or was there a stretch there, was it uncomfortable but alive, and chalenging? We all have things we want in life, I tell you if you stay in the comfort zone you will never get them. The beautiful secret of responsability is that, once you take it all of these things will simply be given to you. It is like all our lives we have been pushing on the door to happiness with out reading the tiny sign above the handel, "pull".

That is what excuses are, aren't they? Excuses are beautiful enchanting stories we tell our selves to convince ourselves we are not responsible. Take a look! Who are you really fooling? Fool other people all you want but fooling yourself, that is not very intelligent. Why? Who looses? I think you can figure that out. I challenge you today. Take responsability for yourself, your emotions, your own state of mind, your actions just for today. I can't guarantee it will be enjoyable or easy but I can guaruntee that you will never have respected and loved yourself more.
